Do Decans have Common Characteristics? Let’s Check out the Scorpio Decans!

We all are born under some or the other zodiac sign. Based on the zodiac, astrology defines what kind of character we shall hold, what would be our traits and how would be the general course of life. Our zodiacs are ruled by certain planets and also influenced by one of the astrology elements like Earth or Water.

But many of us are not aware that the zodiacs have their subdivisions too. These divisions are called Decans and are roughly a period of ten days each. Hence, we can say there are three decans in each zodiac. Each decan has a different ruling planet. The first decan of every zodiac is the same as the zodiac itself. For example, the First Pisces decan will be called the Pisces Decan as it is ruled by the planets, Neptune and Pluto. The second Pisces Decan is called the Cancer Decan and ruled by planet Moon. The third Pisces Decan is the Scorpion Decan ruled by Mars and Neptune.

Further, you will find the common features of Zodiac Decans. mainlyScorpio decans, Taurus decans, Pisces decans and Virgo decan.

Anything Specific in Taurus and Virgo Decans?

Now that we know about the decans of the zodiac, we will get a better understanding of how these are interconnected and share some common features. Taking an example of the Taurus Decan and Virgo Decan we can see that the second Taurus is also known as the Virgo Decan,because the ruling planet of Virgo and Second Taurus Decan is the planet Mercury.

The natives belonging to the Second Taurus Decan become quite an orator eventually with the grace of Mercury. They belong to the intellectual class of people and are quite organised like the Virgos. So yes, we can find some common features between Taurus Decan and Virgo here. 

H2: Third Virgo Decan or the Taurus Decan?

As above mentioned, the third Virgo Decan is called the Taurus Decan as it is ruled by the planet Venus. The influence of Venus makes the Virgo natives turn into artists with a good sense of beauty. They are talented and are inclined towards finding romancetoo. Though they seem shy and less confident than others, yet they carry themselves with grace. We usually see these traits in all those natives who belong to zodiacs ruled by planet Venus.

 Pisces Decan in Other Zodiacs

Pisces Decans are found in the third Cancer Decan and also the second Scorpio Decan. Hence, we can conclude that these decans are ruled by the planets, Neptune and Pluto. The third Cancer Decan natives are born between July 13 and July 23 and are quite intuitive and empathetic. They are very optimistic just like the Pisces natives.

The natives of the Second Scorpio Decans born between Nov 2 and Nov 12 are under the influence of the planet. They are always seeking wisdom and believe that they are born with a purpose.  They have a mysterious charm that attracts people towards them. This is somewhat similar to the characteristics of the Pisces zodiac.

The Takeaway

So far, it must be  clear that each one of the decans has some common traits of the other zodiac. The primary reason for these similarities is the presence of the common ruling planet. It is due to the planetary influence that people belonging to different zodiac signs share common traits. It is well-explained with the examples of the Scorpio Decan, Taurus Decan, Virgo Decan and the Pisces Decans.

So, next time if you meet a Scorpio native and feel like you are meeting Pisces, you will know the reason behind the secret!


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